REST takes a resource-oriented approach in which the object ( or the noun) takes center stage. REST采取面向资源的方法,方法中的对象(或名词)是最重要的部分。
Planning for the cleanup of an object when you create the object is far easier than trying to graft a cleanup stage into the application later. 在创建对象时要计划该对象的清理工作,这比在以后将一个清理阶段移植到应用程序中要容易得多。
Even a simple Hello World program contains a vast array of details when it reaches the object file stage. 在目标文件阶段,即使是一个简单的HelloWorld程序,其中也包含了大量的细节信息。
The esthetic attention is the process that esthetic principal has the esthetic sense for the esthetic object, and is the stage of appreciation of art. 审美注意是审美主体对审美对象产生美感的过程,是艺术欣赏的开始阶段。
Component is not a valid object, as it does not belong to stage. 该组件不是有效对象,因为它不属于任一阶段。
The microscope comprises a microscope optical system which consists of an objective lens and an object stage. 该显微镜包括物镜和载物台组成的显微镜光学系统。
This text introduce Object Oriented design program developing stage and composition, and the advantage of using Object Oriented which designs program. 本文也介绍了面向对象程序设计的发铺阶段及组成,以及使用面向对象程序设计的长处。
This paper mainly discusses the feature based product modelling about sheet metal parts, object oriented knowledge representing and DFM evaluation in early design stage. 其中主要解决了钣金件基于特征的产品建模和面向对象的知识表达以及零件早期设计的DFM评价。
The engineering consultation, considering engineering project as its object, aimed at every stage during the course of engineering construction and using management science, specialty techniques and experience, provides intellect and techniques services which are required by the project owner ( construction unit). 工程咨询就是以工程项目为对象,针对工程建设全过程各个阶段,运用管理科学、专业技术和经验,根据项目业主(建设单位)要求的事项,所提供的智力、技术服务。
Consequently, taking the automotive electronics industry of China as studying object, the paper discusses the stage of development, industrial characteristic, influencing factors and evolution rule of automotive electronics industry in China on the basic of summing up studying achievement of the world. 因此,本文以我国汽车电子产业作为研究对象,在总结国内外汽车电子产业研究成果的基础上,对我国汽车电子产业的发展动态、产业特征、影响因素和发展规律进行深入研究。
The historic site is humanity's precious matter and cultural heritage, is material object which each historical stage stays behind. 历史地段是人类宝贵的物质文化遗产,是各个历史阶段留下的实物,是研究社会发展、科学技术发展、文化艺术发展的重要例证和源泉。
Processing chicken's wastewater treated by SBR process was used as experimental object, which was treated on tertiary stage by coagulation process and absorption filtrating process respectively. 肉鸡加工废水经SBR工艺处理后,分别采用混凝和吸附&过滤两种工艺对其进行深度处理。
In this paper, in order to crystallize research object, the connotation level and stage of urban traffic supply-demand balance are defined and discussed firstly. Then, the balance chain is put forward and applied to reveal the dynamic development law of the supply-demand balance. 本文首先阐述和探讨道路交通供需平衡的内涵、层次和阶段,提出平衡链概念,以此揭示供需平衡的动态发展规律;
The characteristic of the instrument lies in that a location system of the object stage is saved, and the cost of the Instrument is greatly reduced. 该仪器的特点在于省却了一个载物台自动定位控制系统,使仪器成本大幅度降低。
In object recognition stage, the approach divides the matching between scene and model into three parts, i. e. 在物体识别阶段,将景物与模型的匹配分3部分进行,即扫描部件、图的匹配部件及匹配检验部件。
It can offer us object to explore at the late stage of oil-field development and has important practical significance for secondary exploitation and tertiary exploitation. 流动单元可以解释油水井连通关系,提高剩余油采收率,提供油田开发后期的挖潜对象,对于二次采油和三次采油具有较大的实际意义。
Solving this problem can deblur the atmospheric turbulence-degraded image and improve the capability of object identification which is good for late stage works such as object feature extraction and recognition. 该问题的解决能够克服大气湍流扰动带来的图像降质和提高目标图像的分辨能力,以便于后续的目标特征提取和识别等处理。
The object of investment controlling in the stage of Electric PowerProject Construction ( EPPC) is an interrelated objective system. 电力工程项目建设阶段投资控制目标是相互关联的一个目标系统。
The second chapter introduces the object structure, development stage and competitive situation of Chinese amusement programs. 第二章介绍文艺娱乐节目的受众结构、中国文艺娱乐节目的发展阶段以及中国文艺娱乐节目的竞争格局;
Based on the theory of object, stage and process for the overall development of the people at the preliminary stage of socialism, it establishes the development view of the unity development between the society and the people accordingly. 通过社会主义初级阶段追求人的全面发展的目标论、阶段论和过程论,确立了社会主义初级阶段社会和人的全面发展相统一的发展观。
But it had not received the attention of the industrial enterprise yet, and the management theory of risk taking industrial enterprise as research object is still at primary stage of development. 风险管理理论于20世纪80年代中期被介绍到我国,首先在金融企业得到应用和发展,但尚未受到工业企业的重视,并且以工业企业为研究对象的风险管理理论尚处于发展的初级阶段。
Infrared nondestructive testing technology have very broad application prospect on the internal defects testing of the measured object, but this technology is in the primary stage of study, and theory of quantitative testing is still immature. 红外无损检测技术在用于检测被测物内部缺陷的问题上具有非常广阔的应用前景,但是在我国这项技术尚处于初级研究阶段,对定量检测方面的理论仍然不成熟。
Based on literature sites as the research object, and through literature site development stage, understand literature sites carding how to start? 本文以文学网站为研究对象,通过对文学网站发展的阶段进行梳理,了解文学网站如何开始?
According to the measuring model, a fragment parameter measuring system based on computer vision inspection has been designed. The system is composed of illumination unit, object stage, mechanical unit, optical unit, electric unit, and software. 根据测量模型,构建了基于计算机视觉的破片参数测量系统,该系统由目标照明单元、载物台单元、机械传动单元、光学成像单元、电控单元、软件单元六大模块组成。
The survey results show that: Students in Shandong is better during the operational phase and the process stage, and students in Beijing is much better than students in Shandong in the object stage and the schema stage, especially the schema stage. 调查结果表明:山东地区的学生在操作阶段和过程阶段要稍好些,而北京地区的学生在对象阶段和图示阶段,尤其是图式阶段,要远好于山东地区的学生。
During the study, it chooses the famous modern Huangmei Opera "Huizhou woman" as the analysing object which shows the features of modern Huangmei Opera stage. 在对现代戏曲舞美进行分析时,选取了现代著名黄梅戏《徽州女人》为分析对象,提炼现代黄梅戏舞美的特征。
The paper uses an aluminum body of metro vehicle as the research object, in the design of drawing stage, the method of numerical simulation is used to analyze the performance of the body. 本文以某铝合金地铁车体为研究对象,在车体图纸设计阶段,运用数值仿真的方法对车体的性能做了分析。
The quality of the controlled object on the stage is identified. 对工作台进行辨识,辨识出被控对象的质量。
Aesthetic representation of literary translation is constructed on the basis of the understanding of aesthetic object; it is also the last stage of aesthetic experience which is the embodiment of the skill and ability of the translator. 文学翻译中的审美再现建立在对审美客体(原文)的理解之上,是将原文转化为译文的过程,也是翻译审美体验的最后一个环节,最能体现译者的水平与功力。